BG-Bowl on a balconyA Budget Mosquito Trap

Our BG-Bowl works the same as our other mosquito traps. Yet there are a few differences.
The body of the BG-Bowl is of a softer plastic than the BG-Mosquitiare and the BG-MosquitaireCO2. The fan sits in a horizontal position instead of a vertical position and this trap catches the mosquitoes in the bowl itself instead of in a catch bag. One big advantage is that the intake-funnel closes during power failures and the mosquitoes can’t escape.
The trap comes with an eight meter electrical cord. Stylishly designed, this mosquito trap might appeal to those not only looking to catch mosquitoes, but with an eye for their surroundings as well. Protect this trap from rain and water to prevent a ‘mosquito soup’ inside the Bowl.

Positioning of the BG-Bowl

As with all of our mosquito traps, the placement of this trap is very important.
Because the BG-Bowl is an outdoor trap, the best results occur when the trap is protected from direct sunlight, is placed in areas with little wind and is placed in moist areas. The trap can be placed among bushes, as long as the vegetation is at least 50cm (16 inches) from the top of the trap. The BG-Bowl should always be placed on ground level because Aedes mosquitoes generally fly low.

Operation of the BG-Bowl

In Southeast Asia mosquitoes are, with certain peak periods, active throughout the year. Therefore this trap can be installed any time of the year and should preferably be operational 24 hours per day for the best results. The right positioning and the continuous use of the traps will guarantee the best catch results. The trap has a small holding space on the inside to place our artificial human scent.

Mosquito species targeted

This trap catches mainly mosquitoes of the Aedes-family.
You can compliment the BG-Bowl with a CO2 upgrade set to increase catch rates.
BG-Bowl with shutter

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