dengue fever map Dengue is spreading at an alarming rate

Due to unprecedented urbanization and an increase in movement of people and goods, Dengue fever is the fastest growing mosquito borne disease. Dengue fever is sometimes also referred to as ‘breakbone fever’ due to the painful inflammations in the joints. Worldwide, mainly in the tropics and sub-tropics, about 100 million people will get infected annually.
Unbeknown to many people, there are four sero types of Dengue fever; DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4.
Average healthy persons will develop severe flu-like symptoms when being infected with one of the sero types. They will however have a high chance of survival and develop immunity against this specific type for the rest of their lives. It becomes complicated and far more dangerous if that same person at a later stage gets infected with one of the other three sero types. In case of a second infection from a different type, immunity will be short and the patient has a big chance of developing so called ‘severe dengue’ or ‘dengue haemorrhagic fever’.

Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF)

DHF is mainly seen in children up to the age of 15. Yet elderly people and people with immunity problems are also effected. The disease starts to occur when it seems the patient is slowly recovering from dengue fever. Haemorrhagic fever progresses fast and is accompanied by pain in the stomach, bleeding and shock (dengue shock syndrome or DSS). Dengue shock syndrome is diagnosed when there is blueness around the mouth, bleeding from gums and blood in the stools, nose bleeds and blood patches under the skin. Pneumonia and heart inflammation can be part of the problem as well.
The mortality rate of people infected with DHF is around 5%.
Since prevention is better than a cure, we strongly advice a visit to a doctor or hospital in case of suspected dengue illness.

The artificial human attractants of Biogents were specifically designed to attract mosquitoes of the Aedes family.
If you are only targeting Aedes mosquitoes, then your best buy is any of our traps that operates without CO2.

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